Sunday, April 19, 2015

Works every time!!

Common trash gets turned into great fire starters at our house! It is spring, which means it's time to start our season of backyard bonfires! We have a fire pit that we gather around to roast hot dogs, marshmallows, or cook tin foil dinners and Dutch oven creations. Most importantly, it is a gathering place to talk, between family members, friends and neighbors. All are welcome around the fire!
Starting the fire, however, can be a little frustrating at times. There have been times where it takes 4 or more tries to get a good flame going. Now we get it going in the 1st try every time. I learned this in girl scouts when I was young and was so excited to be able use it now.
We all have toilet paper tubes that we constantly just throw away, but now we can say we reuse them at our house. We also used to throw away the lint from the dryer too, but not any more. Just stuff the lint into the paper tube and voila! You have a great fire starter! Simply set in with your kindling and light the tube and soon the kindling catches and grows into your bigger logs. It is great! We keep a bag next to the back door so we can grab them as we head outside. I usually will use two, just for quicker, bigger flames. Grab and go for camping too!